Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Jacksonville, OR Jubilee week

Jacksonville Oregon asked Eureka fire department to bring their old horse drawn steam engine up for their celebration. We went along and helped out and had a blast!!  Here are a few pics...

Cadence posing with Dad while waiting for the parade to start

During the parade

Running the steamer

Spraying the kids. That stream is off only 2 hoses, the pump can run 4 that size. The crowd loved it, and the kids especially loved playing in the water to cool down. We all had a wonderful time and thank Jacksonville for inviting us and for being such wonderful hosts! They were amazing.

Jo caught Jarrett off guard and got a wonderful  picture!

And another one! She gets great shots of him!!!

Then Jarrett @ One of the EFD guys ended up doing the fireworks show for the Finale of the 10 day festival! Didn't get great pics though, it was dark!!

I have a lot more pics on the other camera that I don't have here at the moment, but when I get time this week I will put more pics up along with some from the Wildlife Safari where we went the next day! It was really neat and the boys got to ride camels... Just a great weekend all around!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

This summer....

So this summer has been crazy busy and I haven't gotten anything posted in a long while, and I have been getting requests for updates, so here is some of our summer...

First off, to introduce the newest member of the herd...

This is Dolly

She is our newest draft horse. She is not yet broke to harness (as far as we know). I was supposed to have her going by the end of April, but I just haven't had the time... Soon we will get her going!! She is an absolute sweetheart and should be very easy to train.

And this is Cadence:

She was born April 11th. Part of the reason we have been so busy!

Lets see, we bought a few mowers and a sulky plow at Madras in April, and put the mowers to work a few weeks ago. We got about 4 ton of hay mowed and put up.

Jaxon and Hannah on the mower

We don't have a baler so the boys are putting the winrows on the trailer with pitchforks.

Packing the hay down in the barn, the boys loved it! (it was a bit dusty though)

To see more pics from haying go to:


Then we went to the Trinity Alps for my early b-day trip!

Mounting up, We did about 25 miles all with Cadence, she loved it!

We camped for 2 nights at Morris Meadows and rode up to Emerald lake from there.

Bassira checking on Cadence while resting at Emerald lake. She absolutly loves her and checks on her frequently. She will be Cadence's horse in a few years so it's a good thing. This was Bassira's first major outing, we used her as the pack horse and she was perfect! Took to it like a champ, she never offered to buck or anything (she has never had more than a saddle pad on her before this trip)! 

Then we went and spent a few nights at Lake Elenor, and rode up to Shimmy Lake from there. This is on the way to Shimmy. We wanted to go into Union meadows and check out the mines, but there was a ton more snow that usual this year and it wasn't all gone, so we played it safe and stuck to the easier trails that wouldn't be blocked by snow. We still ran into a few patches, and a ton of downed trees, but they we got around all of them, though not particularly easy in some areas. 

This is the second Rattler Jarrett killed on the trail. He was about 30" long. Both were shot off the back of Bailey with his 44 mag. He had never shot off her befrore but she did quite well.

Well, I think that's it for now, most of my pics are on another comp. I will try and get back to updating this more often!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Upcoming events

So I have been completly neglecting this poor blog, we have had so much going on, I just haven't had the time. I will pick up again, we hope to do a 3 day wagon train weekend after this (weather depending), then a week long wagon train at the end of May. That will be the first part of a 3 week trip our club will be making from Red Bluff to Silver City, ID over the historic overland route. Plans are still tenative but we really really hope to go! So I will definately post pics from those if they happen, otherwise I will get something up here someday soon!!