Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July Parade!

Wow, where did the weekend go?? We started Friday bright and early heading over to Weaverville for the 4th of July parade,  "The Boys" pulled the restored "Weaverville to Redding" stagecoach for the event. We brought Jarrett's boys over to see the parade, meet the horses and they even got to ride in stagecoach. They loved it! 

All of the boys!

A view from the stagecoach during the parade.

Hyram is taking the shotgun job very seriously!

Saturday we trimmed some feet then saddled up and did an 18 mile ride up to Jarrett's Cousin's house on South Fork Mountain. Jarrett rode Bailey, it was her second time out on the trail and she did great! Other than not really knowing much reining she acted like an old pro! And by the end of the ride she was even reining pretty well! We even had to ride on the highway for a mile or so and they were all great, even with the semi running his jake brake going by us. 

On top of the world! Wait, you aren't supposed to drop the reins on a horses second trail ride, are you?

Me, Glory, and Girly...  Girly was being lazy, she needs to get back in shape!! 

Sunday we were going to ride back to the valley but we still had about 4 tons of hay to unload, then Jason's truck just quit running and we had to tow him and his trailer, so we just trailered the horses back home.

12 tons of hay, stacked to the rafters, We are set for winter!! 

Our wonderful towing adventure, it was a slow ride pulling a 1 ton truck and 4 horse stock trailer up a mountain, but at least we had fun doing it! 

We finally got home at 11:30, and that was it for the weekend...   Next week we should be heading over to get our new wagon! We are very excited, so now I really have to get Holly going so the girls can pull it! 

Oh, and some final pics from last week that I didn't get up then:

What a pair!

My little Bassira is getting so big, and is still as cute as ever!! She is 2 years and 3 months, so still has some growing to do! I'll wait until she is 4 or 5 before I even think about riding her, we have plenty of horses to ride and there is no reason to ruin a good horse by riding her before then! Even though she is big enough physically you can still tell just by looking at her that she isn't ready, her joints aren't closed and she still has that baby look. She will start going on pack trips with us this year though just to tag along and learn the ropes by carrying the sleeping bags.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

i took a chariot out like you did on the 4th of july once, just around the trails by my farm, its so much different then riding! but its fun for friends and stuff

if you have time, you should check out my blog sometime