I have to hold off on pics for a few days, our phone lines are out at home. We made it to the auction in Madras. Jason had a family emergency so couldn't go so instead I got done with my class Friday at 5:30pm in Santa Rosa, drove home, picked up Jarrett and the boys and headed right back out for Madras. We drove all night and got there about 8:30 in the morning on Saturday. One of the wonderful people there at the auction bid for us on Friday since we couldn't make it, and we got a great set of steel running gear to build a wagon on, but we are going to put a removable deck on it so we can use it as a log hauler too. We got a few other things too so it was a great success. On our way home we spent the night in Klamath Falls and went to look at a horse in Bly the next morning. Jarrett is on his way back to pick him up right now, he will be staying with us for a few months for a bit more training then is going to one of Jarrett's friends. He is really well broke, I rode him bareback in a halter when we went to look at him, but Jarrett's friend wants to be able to take him hunting and shoot off of him, so we will just have to make sure he is gun broke. Still not sure on the suprise, haven't had much in the way of change there so I dunno... could still happen, or not. I'd prefer not!
Black and Renae came home last week also, I'm hoping Rae is pregnant so they will be staying up here so I can keep a close eye on her. She shouldn't be due until July or later. She was pastured with Black so I don't have an exact date. So pics will come as soon as our phones are back up! Sorry!
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