Thursday, June 18, 2009

Patricks Ranch

We went to the Patrick's Ranch Threshing Bee with the Draft horse club last weekend. It was a ton of fun & we learned a lot. We got to do quite a bit of driving, mostly with Cressie & Gibb and Jarrett got to skid logs with them (I haven't uploaded those pics yet). Then on Sunday we both learned how to operate a sulky plow while test driving a prospective new member to our herd... This is Jaxon (Chestnut Belgian) and Able (Brabant), this was the first day they had ever met each other, much less worked together. They did really well. I'm learning on the plow...

And a few videos...

And a video of Jarrett on the plow...


And yes, we will be picking up Jaxon later this week so we should have a team up and running soon!

Ok, one more quick video of Jaxon:Photobucket

Jarrett and Jason got to cut down a few trees too...

PhotobucketFirst tree going down...

First tree on the ground, it measured 4'3" at the widest point.

Staging up the next tree, this one leaned over backwards (It needed to fall right below where I was standing to take the picture) so they had to do a lot of work on it, the rest of the video & pics are on another camera that I haven't uploaded yet, but I will get those up soon.

Click on the videos to get to the photobucket account for lots more pics and videos.

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