Monday, October 6, 2008

A few pics

Sorry I didn't update last week, we didn't do much that was picture worthy. We have some personal stuff going on that has been taking a bunch of preparation so haven't had much horse time the last 2 weeks, but here are a few pics!

So Holly figured out a new trick! Hannah likes to back up the the water trough and bump it with her hind feet to make noise, well Holly decided to get in the trough! She thought that was just wonderful, and stood there for a good 5 minutes, just until I found the camera, put batteries in it, and got back outside...And then of course Girlie had to get in the way. But you can see her behind stepping out of the trough, and Hannah studying her technique for future mayhem plans.

Dinner! Finally got to do a little hunting. Now if we can get time to go after some deer...

Sunday we made cookies with the Boys, they had WAY too much fun!!

The icing attacked! 

Some early snowmen.... Just getting a head start for winter! But we made spiders, dinosaurs, and lots of other stuff too!

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